Monday, June 7, 2010

New Week Unknown quantity

There is a kind of joke between Kay and I, in that we have learned never to make too many plans for the upcoming week, cause som'en gonna happen and ya gotta change stuff at the last minute. Like last week we watched some of our regular church children for a while. Well as of today, we have just agreed to watch someone's 1 year old on Thursday for a few hours and someone else's 2 children on Friday. The day we go to the church for some women chit-chat and some work on our next quilt project for Fall Festival. At least there will be the two regular children to help entertain them and hopefully keep each other out of trouble. These new children we haven't met or know really, so it should be interesting.

And the first thing people threw up in our faces when I told my fellow church members that I was transitioning was; "What will this do to the Children." What do grownups know anyway.

Will Keep ya posted!

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