It seems that for those of us trans women who had to wait until their later years to transition, the mystic and mysticism of everything satin, or lacy, or made of nylon or silk forged our wicked lusting for anything female. As we were children our fantasy was for the feminine things were very discouraged or forbidden to touch much less wear. If only we were given permission to be who we were, other than what we were, we might not have attached so much special sexual feelings for feminine things.
I have been following two blogs by parents of transgender children, one a wonderful understand mother, and one father trying to come to terms with how to support and love their male to female children. Both children are still of school age and the parents post are filled with emotional angst and hope and lots of love. Both parents have to deal with a steep learning curve for supporting and loving their trans children. I follow their posting quite regularly but feel limited as to my advice or thoughts that I can only share, knowing that both of these parents are living in the trenches of emotional warfare, of hostile combat with children having to live in two worlds to survive against those who do not accept us.
If we were able to open up to our parents as these children have done, and found acceptance and love and support, our lives would not have been filled with shame, or hate, or the fears we faced as we hid our ‘little secrets’ from our parents, our family, from our selves. I am envious of the young children who have found parental support; knowing how different their lives could and should be from ours. But I wish them all the love of heaven and earth, knowing that ‘times are a changin’ and there is much more acceptance for them now than when we grew up so many years ago.