Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Standing with Integrity

The General Convention of the Episcopal Church will convene in Indianapolis this summer from July 2 through July 12.  Since 1976, Integrity has made a very significant witness and presence.  Claiming the Promise: Making All Mean ALL is the campaign theme.
A request for volunteers to assist Integrity with its mission at General Convention was sent out in February.  Sarah Riggle was selected as one of the volunteers who will serve at the Integrity booth at General Convention.

This is the notice that was published in our Newsletter for this month letting everyone know of my selection to team of volunteers for the Integrity booth.  When I received the notice by e-mail, I was quite shocked that I was selected out of all the imagined responses they must have received.  In the first place the call for interested persons was to fill out an application, which appeared during the time my mother lay at home under Hospice Care which turned out to be her final weeks.  I do not think that I really completed all the questions on the form and I certainly don't remember sending it in.  I had meant to get 'back' to it at some point but my focus was helping my sister taking care of our mothers and giving her the best quality of life we could.

I feel so honored and privileged to have been selected that it is difficult for me to grasp the awesome impact I could have on those who might be sitting on the fence of the blessing rite for same-sex couples. This will be a very powerful life changing event for me and my existence within the Episcopal Church.  I am gathering my shield and sword of righteousness to stand my watch at the gate of Inclusion to welcome one and all.

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