Thursday, April 9, 2009

Light a Candle be Visible


A single flame shines in the night
In the still room burning bright
The flame dancing on the wick
Tended and held in place by melting wax
Purpose of life is single in need
Casting aside darkness in its way
Its life too fragile and short
In the wind it wavers and flickers
Then is gone
Then is gone

SJ Riggle
January 6, 2002

Every trans person is a candle in the window, shinning rays of hope, and love, and encouragement into the dark places, into people's soul, whether they want it or not.
To many of us place our selves under the large jar of shame and fear, not giving our trans life a chance to shine. Last month we celebrated Transgender Day of Visibility; let all our shinning rays of hope and love join to become beacons of light. Create a wide path of light showing us the way, letting us hold hands, helping each other across the dark waters of hate. Let us become the vessel which holds and tends the flames of truth and honesty and acceptance in life to burn bright and long.

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