Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Missing Sarah Jane

I had lived by myself from the time I graduated from nursing school until Sarah and I moved in together.........more than 30 years. I never gave a thought to being by myself most of time and never was scared of being alone. I had not given a lot of thought to how accustomed I had gotten to having Sarah around. How much I liked to cuddle as we drop off to sleep at night. How comforting it is to wake up in the middle of the night with some there.

Sarah is having a sleep study tonight and we were both lamenting about being separated tonight. We finally realized that we have spent only one night apart since we have been married and that was when I had a sleep study about 2 years ago! I am really missing Sarah tonight. The house is a little too quiet. The dogs seem to miss her too and are needing a little extra attention.

It is so easy to take things for granted. Sarah and I are pretty good about saying, "I love you" and expressing our thanks to each other but I don't know that I tell her how much she adds to my life. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will tell her I missed her a LOT tonight and how grateful I am that we are together.

Sarah Jane.......... I LOVE YOU!!! See you in the morning.

1 comment:

MadPriest said...

"Tomorrow I will tell her I missed her a LOT tonight and how grateful I am that we are together."

Ah, that must be the reason for loneliness. It probably explains Jesus' sleepover between Good Friday and Easter Day.

That's all rather profound. Sorry.