Friday, May 21, 2010

Gender 101

Yesterday Kay and I was asked, on a short notice, to speak to a Sociology Professor's class of about 40 people that he is teaching during the summer quarter. Tuesday was the day he was going to discuss gender with this class and of course we always love to talk to college classes about what a good life we have. The questions as reflective and is truly searching for answers, and we only had question that was a little personal, but the general context of questions were about relationships, labels, family reaction and such. I did speak about my being caught by the El Paso Police years ago and where that took my military career, and having to deal with my breast cancer. We had a little over an hour of his class time and we kept answering question as student were taking a break before the last hour of his class. We got a few laughs when Kay told the story of my coming out to her, that one really lightens up the attitude of the class. Overall, we haven't had a class that wasn't respectful of our situation and relationship.

I have mentioned that my or our daughter, she calls Kay her mother, moved to Montana to find a good school for her boyfriend and better jobs. As she has called letting us know that they have found an apartment to rent and some good jobs, at least for the time being. Anyway she sent us both a Mother's Day Card which was a real surprise. It was so heartwarming and sincere that we were both started crying as we finished reading. The note inside of mine said:

"Just think, if I'm the princess, that makes you the queen! Everybody wins! Happy -other's Day". The rest of the note "It makes me happy to know you again." "It reminds me of this great and wonderful parent who would give anything for our happiness. Who knew? Our happiness was inextricably linked to yours!!!" And it goes on; "I can tell you that I love you, I respect you and more than anything, I'm so very glad you're back in my life! I love you Sarah/Dad/and any other role you play!

We are going to make more memories as Sarah and Kay with her.


Anonymous said...

What a great thing to do in speaking to students.
That is really helping understanding.
The note from your daughter was wonderful. Made me smile and my heart warm!

Melissa said...

Your daughter sounds like a real sweetheart! God love her!

Melissa XX