Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Daughter at a Distance

She returned to my life and opened my eyes to what real love should be. I am amazed at her clarity of thought and strength of character to acknowledge her father as a married lesbian. Our time with her this summer has been nothing short of a miracle, at least for me and how my life is connected with hers. We had dinners at home filled with laughter and her stories about her brothers and her uncle. We had discussions about sex and life that I had never expected, and was embarrassed several times that my face became blushingly red. We drank our homemade blackberry wine and ate the local cheeses. Our relationship of parent and child was raised to a whole new level. She asked Kay if she could call her, her step-mother.

I am looking forward to many more visits with my daughter and her boyfriend, its just that it will take a lot more effort and time to see her; she moved from Georgia to Montana. My daughter has told us that we will be expected to visit, and if she has children we will be very involved in their lives. Dearest daughter I wish you much joy and happiness and safety until we meet again.


Melissa said...

That is so sweet, Sarah. Your daughter sounds like a beautiful, loving young woman. You must have done something right while raising her.

Melissa XX

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful relationship you now have.
Its so nice to hear.

Kay & Sarah said...

Our daughter is an amazing young woman. She is wise beyond her years. I am fortunate to have her as step daughter. We WILL be going to see her. There has been so much healing in the relationship between her and Sarah. Julie's love has reached out and encircled me.