Monday, May 4, 2009

Sometime you find someone who can speak with clear and rightful answers. This I have copied this from Donna Rose again, thank you for sharing this wonderful pastor who is not afraid to say "I don't have all the answers." We are allow to question ourselves, what the Bible really says, we can scratch and search for other meanings of life out in the universe.

Donna has made a strong argument that whatever our transition does for us, or where ever it takes us there is a rockin and shakin of our spiritual beliefs. I have a much stronger spiritual core, now that I am my true self. As you shed your clothes and layers of shame, and fear, and trepidation, we have nothing to hide behind our little 'fig' leaves of clothing exposes our being to the full love of our God. In stripping down to our primal selves as we ask our Lord to either heal us or to reveal his plan for righteous living to us. My last barrier to living authenticly as Sarah was my fear of how my church family would receive me. I had high expectations and great hope that my church family would accept Sarah, as they had accepted my old self. Am it was the most frightening 'outing' that I have faced to living a true and exposed self. I have been able to muster all of my energies toward my spiritual journey and there is true joy in learning that in my heart God loves and accepts me as I am.; the way he wanted me to be.

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